Tom Kerstetter

A comfort zone is a beautiful place – but nothing ever grows there.

Tom Kerstetter

A comfort zone is a beautiful place – but nothing ever grows there. 

“If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance.” – Orville Wright


My Story

26 years old. 6’0″ with my shoes on. I’m a young professional aspiring to improve myself and the world around me by working hard and building relationships. 

My name is Tom Kerstetter. I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota and currently work for Praxis, a professional development program that helps prepare participants for the professional world with the skills, experience, and discipline needed to thrive in any professional setting.

Feel free to jump into my blog for personal/professional updates, or general thoughts and ideas. 

For anything further, contact me here.
